Restaurant Manager, Ex-Smoker, Wanna-be Fitness Instructor

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Of course who would be the first to comment on my blog.  That would be Paula, my mail person from the 90's.  

I've been having some "issues" with my computer since I upgraded to Leopard for the mac, and have not been having any luck finding my iPhoto library.  Well for some reason last night Deb Maggio asked me for some Halloween pictures I had took this year, and suddenly my Photos are back.  (Think it might have been the Greg messing with me again, he does that from time to time, Damn Greg let that TV stay off!!!!!!!)

Any ways, back to Paula.  There is not a day that passes that I am at work that I do not think of her.  She would probably go nuts by the way things are now at The Clubhouse, but that happened back when she worked there too.

Paula my friend, I do miss you and the support that you have given me over the years!

1 comment:

Paula said...

You are too much! There isnt a day that I don't think of YOU! Its amazing how much of what I learned at the Clubhouse, I have implemented here, at Snoozer. I miss everyone and send my love!